Clinical recommendations for correction of carbohydrate metabolism and sugar reducing therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic renal disease



Kazan medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
Patients with kidney damage occupy an important place due to the significant prevalence in the population, reduced quality of life, high patient mortality and significant costs at the end- stage renal disease. Compensation of carbohydrate metabolism plays a key role in preventing the development and slowing the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in diabetic patients. However, the target levels of compensation for carbohydrate metabolism may vary in patients at different stages of CKD and depend on the associated complications. In patients with CKD, the choice of hypoglycemic drugs depends on the pharmacodynamic characteristics of the drugs, their associated metabolic effects and side effects.


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About the Autors

Rosalia A. Nadeeva, PhD, associate professor of the Department of general practice No 1 of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel./fax: +7 (843) 231-21-39. E-mail:
Olga N. Sigitova, MD, professor, Head of the Department of general practice No 1 of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel./fax: 8 (843) 231-21-39; tel.: +7 (917) 396-24-17. E-mail:
TaisiaYu. Kim, assistant professor of the Department of general practice No 1 of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel./fax: 8 (843) 231-21-39. E-mail:
Gulnara R. Kamasheva, PhD, associate professor of the Department of general practice No 1 of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel./fax: +7 (843) 231-21-39.
Tatiana A. Kiselyova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of endocrinology of Kazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 420012, Kazan, 49 Butlerova Str. Tel./fax: +7 (843) 231-21-39.

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