Clinical case of tumor in a rare localization


Zhdankin A.V., Nikishkina D.R., Solodun M.V.

Department of polyclinic therapy and preventive medicine of I.P. Pavlov Ryazan state medical university of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
The article deals with the problems of early diagnosis of Clackin tumor. In the literature, Klatskin’s tumor is described as a neoplasm originating from the epithelium of the bile ducts in the area of the liver gate. The analysis of the clinical case of a long oligosymptomatic course of the disease in the patient was conducted. During the diagnostic search, he was diagnosed with the above tumor.


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About the Autors

Alexander V. Zhdankin, a student of the medical faculty of I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 3990026, Ryazan, 9 Vysokovoltnaya Str. Tel.: +7 (952) 123-47-56. E-mail:
Daria R. Nikishkina, a student of the medical faculty of I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 3990026, Ryazan, 9 Vysokovoltnaya Str. Tel.: +7 (952) 123-47-56. E-mail:
Maria V. Solodun, PhD, assistant of the Department of polyclinic therapy and prophylactic medicine of general medicine faculty of I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 3990026, Ryazan, 9 Vysokovoltnaya Str. Tel.: +7 (920) 634-20-55. E-mail:

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