Parameters of arterial stiffness in the stratification of the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Gomonova V.V., Sayganov S.A., Gumerova V.E.
I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Nowadays the indicators of elasticity of arteries are consider as markers of cardiovascular (CVD) risk. Elasticity of the arteries decreases with age, which is due to many factors and changes in the parameters of elasticity of the arteries. The main indicators characterizing the elasticity of the vessels are the pulse wave velocity (PWV), the augmentation index (Alx), the pulse pressure (PP), the central systolic blood pressure (CSBP) Our study showed that the parameters of normal blood pressure, measured by a routine method, do not always agree with the parameters of arterial stiffness. Deviations in indicators of arterial stiffness correlate with risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and are likely to occur earlier than deviations appear in indicators measured by the routine method.
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About the Autors
Veronika V. Gomonova, correspondence graduate student of the Department of hospital therapy and cardiology named after M.S. Kushakovsky of I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 195067, Saint-Petersburg, 47/25 Piskarevsky Prospect. Tel.: +7 (921) 438-61-62. E-mail:
Sergey A. Sayganov, MD, professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy and cardiology named after M.S. Kushakovsky of I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 195067, Saint-Petersburg, 41 Kirochnaya Str. Tel.: +7 (921) 948-40-93. E-mail:
Victoria E. Gumerov, graduate student of the Department of hospital therapy and cardiology named after M.S. Kushakovsky of I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 199106, Saint-Petersburg, 85 Vasilyevsky Island Bolshoi Prospect (Pokrovsky City hospital). Tel.: +7 (812) 322-08-97. E-mail:
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