Viscosupplementation of hyaluronic acid gels in case of osteoarthritis


Mubarakshina O.A., Somova M.N., Batishcheva G.A., Peshekhonov D.V., Peshekhonov L.K.

1 N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2 «RR-medicine» clinical hospital of Voronezh
Osteoarthrosis as an actual and extremely widespread problem of modern healthcare requires the search for optimal solutions, in particular, the development of treatment methods that preserve the patient’s quality of life, causing him minimum discomfort and significantly slowing the progression of the pathological process. Systemic symptomatic conservative therapy often has too many side effects, which especially negatively affect the condition of elderly patients with comorbidity. In this aspect, local methods of treatment are of particular importance. One example of which could be viscosupplementation of hyaluronic acid medications. In such a case, the efficacy of therapy largely depends on the type of medicine, its origin, production technology, physical and chemical properties. The most acceptable characteristics nowadays have cross-linked (cross-link) gels of hyaluronic acid.


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About the Autors

Olga A. Mubarakshina, PhD, associate professor of the Department of clinical pharmacology of N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 394024, Voronezh, 2 Pereulok Zdorovya Str. Tel.: +7 (473) 237-10-11. E-mail:
Marina N. Somova, PhD, associate professor of the Department of clinical pharmacology of N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 394024, Voronezh, 2 Pereulok Zdorovya Str. Tel.: +7 (473) 237-10-11. E-mail:
Galina A. Batishcheva, MD, professor, head of the Department of clinical pharmacology of N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 394024, Voronezh, 2 Pereulok Zdorovya Str. Tel.: +7 (473) 237-10-11. E-mail:
Dmitry V. Peshekhonov, MD, doctor of the rheumatology Department of «RR-medicine» clinical hospital of Voronezh. Address: 394024, Voronezh, 2 Pereulok Zdorovya Str. Tel.: +7 (473) 212-05-15. E-mail:
Lyudmila K. Peshekhonova, MD, professor of the Department of occupational medicine of N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, head of rheumatology Department of «RR-medicine» clinical hospital of Voronezh. Address: 394024, Voronezh, 2 Pereulok Zdorovya Str. Tel.: +7 (473) 237-10-11. E-mail:

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