Peculiarities of lipid metabolism and vascular wall rigidity in ulcerative colitis patients


Kucherova N.Yu., Tsyganova Yu.V., Tarasova L.V.

1) I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary; 2) Republican Cardiological Dispensary of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia, Cheboksary; 3) Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia, Cheboksary; 4) Institute for Advanced Medical Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia, Cheboksary
Abstract. Nowadays, lots of data concerning the higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) comparatively to the general population, despite the significantly lower incidence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors among them are collected. Existing methods for assessing CVD risk do not cover all aspects through which inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) potentiate cardiovascular risk, therefore, a targeted study of the pathophysiological links between UC and CVD is necessary to improve methods for assessing the risk of cardiovascular events in this group of patients for their timely prevention.
The aim: to estimate the characteristics of the lipid profile and severity of arterial wall rigidity in UC patients.
Material and methods. A comparative analysis of the lipid profile and cardio-ankle index CAVI was performed in 120 patients with UC. All of them were kept for observation at the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia.
Results. Patients with UC had lower levels of total cholesterol, low-density and high-density lipoproteins, higher values of cardio-ankle index CAVI than in the control group, as well as a stronger correlation between the rate of increase of this index and age. A high correlation between the degree of excess of CAVI index and the duration and age of onset of the disease was found.
Conclusion. Patients with UC associated with long-term persistent chronic inflammation, have changes in the structure of the vascular wall and endothelium, which is confirmed by detected higher values of CAVI index. Also in this case, qualitative changes in the activity of lipoproteins are observed, which, in combination with the identified changes in lipid profile indexes, determines the presence in this group of patients of a special type of dyslipidemia with a specific combination of quantitative and qualitative indexes that determine its high atherogenicity.


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About the Autors

Nadezhda Yu. Kucherova, MD, postgraduate student of the Department of hospital therapy, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, cardiologist at the advisory clinic of the Republican Cardiological Dispensary of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia. Address: 428000, Cheboksary, 29a Fedora Gladkova St.
Yulia V. Tsyganova, MD, PhD (Medicine), associate professor of the Department of hospital therapy, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. Address: 428015, Cheboksary, 45 Moskovsky Highway.
Larisa V. Tarasova, MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), associate professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, professor of the Department of public health and healthcare, Institute for Advanced Medical Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia, head of the Department of gastroenterology, Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Healthcare of Chuvashia. Address: 428015, Cheboksary, 45 Moskovsky Highway.

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