Chronic pancreatitis: Diagnosis and treatment


Didigova R.T., Evloeva D.A., Shadyzheva Kh.I., Malsagova Kh.A., Merzhoev L.-A.D., Buzurtanova Kh.M.

1) Ingush State University, Magas; 2) Nazran Central District Hospital
Abstract. Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an important problem in modern gastroenterology, since its pathogenesis is multifactorial, which complicates the choice of the optimal therapeutic strategy. The incidence of CP is increasing worldwide, which occurs partly due to the improvement of diagnostic methods that allow detecting the disease at earlier stages. Current article discusses the key methods of diagnosis and therapy of the disease, developed on the basis of the analysis of the results of performed studies and observations, their advantages and disadvantages. Actual diagnostics of CP should include a full range of necessary examination methods, which helps to choose the best treatment approach and helps to control the course of the disease.


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About the Autors

Roza T. Didigova, MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), professor, head of the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue.
Dina A. Evloeva, MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), professor of the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue.
Khava I. Shadyzheva, MD, senior lecturer of the Department of hospital therapy, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue.
Khava A. Malsagova, MD, therapist at Nazran Central District Hospital. Address: 386132, Nazran, 5 Zyazikova St.
Lom-Ali D. Merzhoev, 6th year student of the Medical Institute, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue.
Khadizhat M. Buzurtanova, 5th year student of the Medical Institute, Ingush State University. Address: 386001, Magas, 7 I.B. Zyazikova Avenue.

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