Use of auscultative method for arterial pressure measuring in medical practice is a danger to health and life of patients


Degtyarev V.A.

New Eastern European Technologies LLC, Moscow, Russia
The article provides new literary materials of theoretical substantiation of the auscultatory method (AM) of blood pressure measurement. Meanwhiles, the available data about the correlation of AM with the direct method are incorrect, because during the intstallation of a catheter into the artery the force of blood flow is measured, not a blood pressure. There is also no metrologically proved requirements for the procedure for arterial pressure registering by means of direct method. The purpose of the study is to expand the evidentary base of health and life danger of patients that occurs while using AM in medical practice. Material and methods. Further analysis of data obtained from multicenter studies performed by using volumetric compression oscillometry (EAD) method and AM, the results of examinations of patients with acute myocardial infarction, residents of nursing homes in several European countries. Results. The determining importance of the reduction of average arterial pressure indexes in the development of circulatory disorders of vital organs is shown. Conclusion. Until now, the search for scientific substantiation of AM use in blood pressure measurement is still going on. Using AM in medical practice has a threat to life for elderly patients.


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About the Autors

Vladimir A. Degtyaryov, MD, professor, general director of New eastern European technologies; LTD.
Tel.: 8 (926) 708-68-93. E-mail:

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