Electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes in patients with chronic renal disease of 5th dialysis stage with different level of arterial pressure

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/therapy.2019.2.30-35

Kazakova I.A., Ievlev Y.N.

Department of internal medicine with courses of radiological methods of diagnosis and treatment, military field therapy of Izhevsk state medical academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
The purpose of the study is to assess peculiarities of the electrophoretic mobility erythrocytes features (EMEF) in patients on program hemodialysis and to analyze influence of antihypertensive therapy on this parameter. Material and methods. 120 chronic kidney disease with erythrocyte membrane abnormalities (CKD) patients, 5th stage, were examined for the following research. EMEF, associated with a significant increase in the average amplitude of erythrocyte oscillations, were revealed. The average amplitude level of erythrocyte oscillations (AALEO) is influenced by the following factors: the dialysis therapy duration, etiological factor, the presence and hypertension level. Results and conclusion. The nocturnal decrease level of blood pressure significantly correlated with the AALEO index. Those patients who received a calcium channel blocker (CCB) as a monotherapy had the higher AALEO level than in groups with other treatment. Lower AALEO levels were detected after using triple antihypertensive therapy, which included CCB, β-blocker and an imidazoline receptor agonist.


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About the Autors

Irina A. Kazakova, MD, professor, head of the department of internal diseases with courses of radiological diagnostical and treatment methods, military field therapy of Izhevsk state medical academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 426000, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel.: + 7 (3412) 68-68-48. E-mail: vnut.bolezni@mail.ru
Yevgeny N. Ievlev, PhD, assistant professor of the Department of internal diseases with courses of radiological diagnostical and treatment methods, military field therapy of Izhevsk state medical academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 426000, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov St. Tel.: +7 (3412) 68-68-48. E-mail: vnut.bolezni@mail.ru

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