Arterial hypertension in case of the presence of addictive renal arteries: the role of renin and aldosterone


Redko Yu.P., Gladkikh N.N., Yagoda A.V., Chumakov P.I.

1) Stavropol State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; 2) Stavropol regional clinical hospital
The aim of the study is to assess plasma levels of renin and aldosterone in young patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and accessory renal arteries. Material and methods. 40 patients (average age 27,05±0,92 years) with AH and accessory renal arteries were examined. Results. In hypertensive patients with accessory renal arteries, a significantly higher concentration of renin was found (60.63±7,69 pg/ml) than in patients with additional renal arteries without hypertension (24.51±2,78 pg/ml) and healthy people (21,0±2,31 pg/ml). Hyperrenin variant of hypertension occurred in 62.5% of patients, normorenin – in 20% and low renin – in 17,5%. The maximal high plasma renin level was found in hypertensive patients with multiple accessory renal arteries and/or upper pole thei localization, as well as when combined with other anatomical features of the urinary organs (division of the kidney into lobes according to the fetal type, doubling of the pyelocaliceal apparatus). Conclusion. The study of renin status in hypertensive patients with accessory renal arteries allow to identify the pathophysiological mechanism of arterial pressure increase and determine a more successful strategy of antihypertensive therapy.


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About the Autors

Yulia P. Redko, nephrologist of Stavropol regional clinical hospital, applicant for the Department of hospital therapy of Stavropol State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 355030, Stavropol, 1 Semashko Str. Tel.: +7 (962) 449-95-40. E-mail:
Natalia N. Gladkikh, MD, professor of the Department of hospital therapy, Stavropol State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 355017, Stavropol, 310 Mira Str. Tel.: +7 (968) 268-34-97. E-mail:
Alexander V. Yagoda, MD, professor, Head of the Department of hospital therapy of Stavropol State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 355017, Stavropol, 310 Mira, Str. Tel.: +7 (865) 235-51-29.
E-mail: а
Pyotr I. Chumakov, MD, professor, head of the Department of surgery of Stavropol State medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 355017, Stavropol, 310 Mira Str. Tel.: +7 (905) 498-31-28. E-mail:

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