The role of the general practitioner in detecting side effects in the application of anticancer drugs


Zhuchkova S.M., Busalaeva E.I., Karamalikov S.A.

1) Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary; 2) I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary; 3) Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary
Abstract. The duties of a therapist who monitors cancer patients at their place of residence include monitoring the safety of ongoing therapy.
The purpose of the study is to explore the structure of adverse reactions in the application of anticancer drugs in the Chuvash Republic.
Material and methods. The work is based on the retrospective analysis of 2980 spontaneous reports of adverse reactions received from September 1, 2008 to January 1, 2022 to the Chuvash regional center for drug safety monitoring.
Results. Over the past period, 79 reports of adverse reactions of anticancer drugs were registered, which is 2,65% of the total number of all notifications received. The great majority (71%) of them were identified and documented by a therapist at the outpatient stage in patients receiving medicine assistance. There were 38 cases of adverse reactions of aromatase inhibitors, 5 cases with the use of monoclonal antibodies, 3 reports each with antiestrogen treatment and taxanes in combination with platinum preparations. The most commonly developed dermatological toxicity of varying intensity (83%), cardiovascular toxicity (8%), hematological toxicity (2%), febrile neutropenia (3%), anaphylactic shock (2%), hepatotoxicity (2%). There were no cases of renal toxicity, immune-mediated adverse reactions, extravasation of anticancer drugs. Over the past period, 5 death notices were received. The causal relationship in these cases is doubtful; death occurred from the progression of the underlying disease. 1 death associated to an anaphylactic reaction to intake of the combination of paclitaxel + carboplatin. The article provides brief descriptions of clinical cases.
Conclusion. Despite the increase in the intake of anticancer drugs, a significant increase in the frequency of registration of adverse reactions in the Chuvash Republic has not been identified. The main number of reports was submitted by outpatient general practitioners who supervise oncological patients in medical organizations at the place of residence.


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About the Autors

Svetlana M. Zhuchkova, PhD in Medicine, head of the Department of clinical pharmacology, Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Chuvash Republic, associate professor of the Department of faculty and hospital therapy, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. Address: 428003, Cheboksary, 23 Fedora Gladkova Str. E-mail: ORCID:
Elwna I. Busalaeva, PhD in Medicine, associate professor of the Department of therapy and family medicine, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Chuvash Republic. Address: 428003, Cheboksary, 27 Mikhaila Sespelya Str. E-mail: ORCID:
Sergey A. Karamalikov, chief physician of Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Chuvash Republic. Address: 428003, Cheboksary, 23 Fedora Gladkova Str. E-mail:

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