The functional status of the thyroid gland in women with connective tissue dysplasia


Smetanin M.Yu., Pimenov L.T., Chernyshova T.E., Kononova N.Yu.

1) BUZ UR «Republican clinical and diagnostics center» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Udmurt Republic, Department of ultrasound diagnostics, Izhevsk; 2) Department of General practitioner and internal medicine with the course of emergency medical care of Izhevsk State medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
The aim of the study was to assess the functional status of the thyroid gland, the prevalence and range of thyroid pathology in women with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD). Material and methods. Laboratory assessment of plasma thyroid hormone levels in 70 patients aged 19 to 37 years (mean age was 25.0±6.5 years), mainly with visceral, skin and bone-joint manifestations of UCTD was carried out. Patients with monogenic hereditary syndromes were not included in the study. Immunochemical methods were used to determine the content of thyroid – stimulating hormone (TSH), free fraction of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and antibodies to thyroid antigens-AB to TPO and TG. All patients underwent ultrasound examination of TG according to the standard procedure. Results. The study found an increased likelihood of developing hypothyroxinemia, autoimmune thyropathies in women with UCTD. This, in turn, necessitates further in-depth study of thyroid metabolism and targeted diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction in this category of patients. Individual nutritive iodine prophylaxis is also required in women with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. Conclusion. In our opinion, it is necessary to determine the thyroid status in all patients of childbearing age with UCTD, taking into account the proven role of the latter in the formation of female infertility.


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About the Autors

Mikhail Yu. Smetanin, MD, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics of Republican clinical diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Udmurt Republic. Address: 426009, Izhevsk, 87B Lenina Str. Tel.: +7 (3412) 37-49-58; +7 (912) 856-03-33. E-mail: ORCID 0000-0002-7943-8982/
Leonid T. Pimenov, MD, professor, head of the Department of general practitioner and internal medicine with the course of emergency medical care of advanced training faculty of Izhevsk State medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 426034, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov Str. Тел.: +7 (3412) 52-53-09; +7 (3412) 91-82-79. ORCID 0000-0003-3785-5603.
Tatyana E. Chernyshova, MD, professor of the Department of general practitioner and internal medicine with the course of emergency medical care of advanced training faculty of Izhevsk State medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 426034, Izhevsk, 281 Kommunarov Str. Тel.: +7 (3412) 52-53-09; +7 (3412) 91-82-79. E-mail: ORCID 0000-0001-5176-5730
Natalya Yu. Kononova, PhD, general director and chief physician of «Metallurg» sanatorium.  Address: 426009, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, 2 Kurortnaya Str. Тel.: +7 (905) 877-78-24. E-mail: ORCID 0000-0002-9253-2113

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