Improving the adaptive capacity of the brain is a basic factor in the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases
Sokolova L.P.
N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Moscow
It is known that chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI) is in a lot of ways caused by cerebral blood flow autoregulation disorders
The purpose of the study is to study the influence of neurometabolic drugs (using Cerebrolysin as an example) on adaptability capacities, and on increase brain resistance to stress in CHCI patients.
Material and methods. In 25 CCI patients the background level of constant cerebral potentials was studied (SCP is an indicator of super slow brain activity that correlates with neurometabolism activity), as well as its changes during functional afferent tests before treatment and after the course of treatment with Cerebrolysin medicine.
Results. The course of neurometabolic therapy (Cerebrolysin) activated background cerebral metabolism (SCP), improved stress resistance indexes (a significant increase in the number of patients with an adequate response to hyperventilation and a quick language arts test). Also after completion of treatment, there was a significant increase in the number of patients with complete SCP restoration in the posthyperventilation period.
Conclusion. The course of neurometabolic therapy improves adaptation to physical and cognitive (emotional) stress, activates the background metabolism of the brain, increases its stress tolerance, optimizes changes in brain metabolism under stress, and improves recovery of homeostasis. The peculiarities of brain metabolism reactivity by SCP should be taken into account when prescribing complex medicamental therapy: with a predominance of decompensated adaptation to emotional stress, the emphasis in therapy should be placed on psychocorrection, with a prevalence of maladaptation to physical stress, it should be placed on physical methods of exposure and muscle relaxation.
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About the Autors
Lyubov P. Sokolova, MD, professor of the Department of neurology of the faculty of continuing professional education of N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. Address: 109125, Moscow, 11–13 Vasiltsovsky stan Str. Tel.: +7 (926) 363-22-50. E-mail:
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