Druk I.V., Nechaeva G.I., Ambartsumyan D.B., Kotova L.I., Drokina O.V., Bilevich O.A.
Incidence degree of congenital urinary system abnormalities and conjunctive tissue dysplasia among terminal chronic renal failure patients
№6 / 2020
Viktorova I.A., Ivanova D.S., Nechaeva G.I., Potapov V.V., Tikhonova O.V., Goloshubina V.V., Adyrbaev A.M.
Rehabilitation of patients with connective tissue dysplasia in outpatient practice
№6 / 2020
Nadey E.V., Nechaeva G.I., Shupina M.I., Loginova E.N.
Peculiarities of immune response in patients with herpes infection and connective tissue dysplasia
№7 / 2019
Dakuko A.N., Krivtsova L.A., Plekhanova M.A., Konev V.P.
New criteria for connective tissue dysplasia severity degree diagnosis in pediatric patients
№7 / 2019
Bulatova E.M., Nesterenko Z.V.
Community-aquired pneumonia in asthmatic children with different duration of inhaled corticosteroid therapy
№7 / 2019
Krivolap N.V.
Significance of heart structures dysplasia in the formation of adaptation reserves in football players
№7 / 2019
Maltseva I.V., Kotovschikova E.F., Fadeeva E.A., Lomakina N.A.
Peculiarities of connective tissue dysplasia manifestation in generation Z
№7 / 2019
Nechaeva G.I., Rozhkova M.Yu, Tereshchenko Yu.V., Sbitneva L.V., Silvanovich S.V., Stepanov A.A.
Clinical variants of dyspepsia syndrome in patients with connective tissue dysplasia
№3 / 2019
G.I. Nechaeva, О.V. Drokina, А.I. Martynov, Е.N. Loginova, I.V. Druk, Е.А. Lyalyukova, М.V. Vershinina
Fundamentals of treatment patients with connective tissue dysplasia in primary care
№1 / 2015