Found: 14 articles

Article Edition
Savlevich E.L., Markus P.V., Angotoeva I.B., Kirichenko I.M., Bessonov K.K.
Causes of pain syndrome in case of oropharynx inflammatory diseases
№6 / 2024
Golendyaeva P.I., Livzan M.A., Gaus O.V., Korennova O.Yu., Mozgovoy S.I.
Gastropathy associated with antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy: prevalence and risk factors
№8 / 2023
Dronova Yu.M., Mubarakshina O.A., Chernov S.Yu.
Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in musculoskeletal pain syndrome therapy: Aspects of their effective and safe use
№5 / 2023
Rebrov A.P., Tyapkina M.A., Ordyakova A.A., Yupatov V.D., Kosheleva N.A., Basov I.V.
Patients with cardiovascular diseases and NSAIDs intake: Is there a real problem today?
№4 / 2023
Lyalina V.V., Skripnichenko E.A., Borisovskaya S.V., Obyedkov R.N., Nikitin I.G.
Peculiarities of acute gouty arthritis treatment in patients with concomitant pathology. Part 2: management of patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, liver diseases, pregnancy, also having anticoagulant therapy and patients in perioperative period
№2 / 2023
Kudina E.V. Samkova I.A.
Anti-inflammatory therapy of joint syndrome in an outpatient practitioner
№1 / 2023
Lyalina V.V., Skripnichenko E.A., Borisovskaya S.V., Obyedkov R.N., Nikitin I.G.
Peculiarities of acute gouty arthritis treatment in patients with concomitant pathology. Part 1: main limitations and adverse effects of medicamentous therapy
№1 / 2023
Trofimov E.A., Mazurov V.I., Bashkinov R.A., Trofimova A.S., Gaydukova I.Z.
Comparative analysis of efficacy and safety of different medicines containing celecoxib in patients with knee osteoarthritis
№1 / 2023
Karateev A.E., Lila A.M., Alekseeva L.I.
Management of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system during the COVID-19 pandemic
№1 / 2021
Lazebnik L.B., Belova G.V.
Practical application of «Systematizing classification of the mucous digestive tract membrane multifocal damages by NSAIDs and antithrombotic medicines» together with the other RSMSIM clinical guidelines for optimization of decision-making in complex clinical situations
№6 / 2019
L.B. Lazebnik, G.V. Belova
Systematizing classification of multifocal lesions of gastrointestinal mucosa caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic agents (Moscow Classification)
№3 / 2018
P.R. Kamchatnov, M.A. Yevzel’man, A.V. Chugunov
Principles of treatment of a patient with acute lumbar pain
№8 / 2017

Бионика Медиа